Gudrun Dorsch
The artist spent her childhood in Munich. Her mother, an artist herself, discovered her daughter’s versatile talents early on and encouraged her talent in drawing, painting, sewing and modeling. Excessive, imaginative and idiosyncratic, Gudrun Dorsch transformed her diverse ideas into her first works of art, and so she received commissions for book illustrations and calendar pages, even at a young age. Hieronymus Bosch, Salvator Dali, Gottfried Helnwein, H.R. Giger and Tommy Ungerer fascinated the young artist with their symbols and hidden messages. Inquisitive, she immersed herself in the unreal worlds of the artists and tried to decipher their messages.
In 1979, Gudrun Dorsch began training at the Blocherer School in Munich and learned more ways of communicating through commercial art. After successfully graduating as a graphic designer, the young artist entered salaried employment. At the same time she worked for various publishing houses, companies and institutions. Her best-known work from this period is probably the logo and CI of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Francis Vierzehnheiligen (Archdiocese of Bamberg), which is still in use worldwide.
Despite animal cartoons, poetry books, and design/advertising commissions, her affinity for drawing people remained. She understood the movement of people and their expressions as a language of their own, and so she continued to study and draw bodies in bizarre movement sequences in order to achieve perfection. Visual communication as a non-verbal language, in any form, fascinated her.
The births of her 2 children initially slowed the artist in her creative urge, but also provided time and opportunity for her studies. Children and youth projects as well as various lecturing activities characterized this time.
Increasingly, however, she was also concerned with social minorities and social exclusion. She mostly dealt with social injustices and grievances in her drawings. Her early works were therefore socially critical and provocative.
In 2014, her children were now almost grown up, she established her further life with solo and group exhibitions.
Continuously Gudrun Dorsch reduced her figures more and more. Covering, concealing, veiling the obvious… the formerly “wrapped” became more and more “bodiless”, consisting of ribbons, sensual and emotional beings. Unmistakably, the artist, with her “wrapped figures”, has found her own style and is now represented internationally.
Exhibitions 2024
- Galerie M. Beck, Leipziger Bookfair, 21.-24. März, Leipzig, DEU
- Galerie M.Beck, after the Bookfair, 05.-26.April, Homburg/Saar, DEU
- ARTe Stuttgart, Artfair, April 05-07, Stuttgart, DEU
- ArtMuc , Artfair, April 12-14 , Munich, DEU
- MUNICH ARTHOUSE /The Malt,17.-19.Mai, Munich, DEU
- ARTe Wiesbaden, Artfair, September 13-15, Wiesbaden, DEU
- SupermArt, Artfair, October October 04-06, Nuremberg, DEU
- ArtMuc, Artfair, October 25-27, Munich, DEU
- Galerie Beck, group exibition “beauty”, November 04-15, Homburg/Saar, DEU
Exhibitions 2023
- Galerie Beck, Solo exhibition – Retrospektive, February 17-March 10, Homburg/Saar, DEU
- Verum Arte, Collective exhibition, March 18-25, Florence, ITA
- ArtMuc , Artfair, March 24-26 , Munich, DEU
- ARTe Stuttgart, Artfair, April 14-16, Stuttgart, DEU
- ArtHouse, Pop Up Ausstellung, April 28-30, München DEU
- Galerie Beck, group exibition, May12-Juni 2, Homburg/Saar, DEU
- Art Karlsruhe, International Artfair, 4.-7. May, Karlsruhe, DEU
- ARTe Wiesbaden, Artfair, September 8-10, Wiesbaden, DEU
- SupermArt, Artfair, October 6-8, Nuremberg, DEU
- Art Market Budapest, October 19-22, Budapest, HUN
- ArtMuc, Artfair, 27-29 October, Munich, DEU
- SHINE ON at KamÜ, November 25-December 16, Bürstadt, DEU
Exhibitions 2022
- ART’e Wiesbaden, Artfair, Wiesbaden, DEU
- SupermART, Artfair, Nuremberg, DEU
- TrendSet – FineArts, Artfair, Munich, DEU
- ArtGerecht, Artfair, Karlsruhe, DEU
- ArtMuc , Artfair, Munich, DEU
- Artbox Expo, Tana Art Space, Venice, ITA
- TrendSet Winter – FineArts, Artfair, Munich, DEU
Exhibitions 2021
- ARTMUC October 2021, Artfair, Munich, DEU
- ArtGerecht, Artfair, Karlsruhe, DEU
- GZ-Basel – Beyond, Artfair, Basel, CH
- take-part, Joint exhibition, Saarbruecken, DEU
- Barcelona, ArtBox Gallery, Joint exhibition, Barcelona, ESP
Exhibitions 2020
- Art Prague, Joint exhibition, Prague, CZE
- Artbox Gallery Zürich, Joint exhibition, Zurich, CH
- Art Innsbruck, Artfair, Innsbruck, AUT
- Swiss Art Expo, Artfair, Zurich, CH
- ARTe Wiesbaden, Artfair, Wiesbaden, DEU
- Barcelona, ArtBox Gallery, Joint exhibition, Barcelona, ESP
- ARTMUC Oktober 2020, Artfair, Munich, DEU
Exhibitions 2019
- “Verwicklungen”, Solo exhibition, Holzkirchen, DEU
- 23. Art Innsbruck, Artfair, Innsbruck, AUT
- Artboxgallery, Joint exhibition, Zurich, CH
- Bayerisches Verwaltungsgericht, Solo exhibition, Munich, DEU
- Gallery ArtInnovation, Joint exhibition, Berlin, DEU
- ArtMuc, Artfair, Munich, DEU
- Gallery Arte Borgo, Joint exhibition, Rome, ITA
- Gallery Artinnovation, Solo exhibition, Innsbruck, AUT
- Face Art Verona, Joint exhibition, Verona, ITA
- Ringoseika Gallery, Joint exhibition, Tokyo, JAP
- Gallery ArtInnovation Summer Show, Joint exhibition, Innsbruck, AUT
- Artboxprojekt Swissartexpo, Joint exhibition, Zurich, CH
- Gallery Beck, Solo exhibition, Durbach/Offenburg, DEU
- Art Salzburg, Artfair, Salzburg, AUT
- Metropolitan Theater, Joint exhibition, Tokyo, JAP
- Bürgerhaus Römerschanz, Solo exhibition, Gruenwald/ Munich, DEU
- Art Basel – Miami, Artfair, Miami, USA
Exhibitions 2018
- Messe Graz Kunstpavillon, Graz, AUT
- 22. Art Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AUT
- Stricoff Gallery, New York, USA
- Ligures Art Prize, Lerici, ITA
- Gallery Treffpunkt Kunst, Ottobrunn/ Munich, DEU
- Artbox Gallery, Zurich, CH
- ArtMuc, Munich, DEU
- Art Bratislava, Bratislava, SVK
- Gallery Beck, Homburg/Saar, DEU
- Gallery ArtInnovation, Innsbruck, AUT
- Anime Senza Voce, San Marino, RSM
- Japan-Europe Palace Art Association, Nymphenburg/ Munich, DEU
- Venice Arte, Venedig, ITA
- ArtMuc, Munich, DEU
- Artbox Gallery, Zurich, CH
Exhibitions 2017
- Artbox Gallery, Zug, CH
- Internationale Handelszentrum Berlin City, Berlin, DEU
- Euro Airport Basel, Basel, CH
- Art Salzburg, Salzburg, AUT
- Casino Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AUT
- Gallery ArtInnovation, Innsbruck, AUT
- Artbox Gallery, Zug, CH
- Artbox Gallery, Zurich, CH
- LDX Gallery, Berlin, DEU
- LDX Gallery, Malta, MLT
- Casino Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AUT
Exhibitions 2016
- City Hall Bad Aibling, Bad Aibling, DEU
- Artbox Gallery, Zug, CH
- ArtInnovation, Innsbruck, AUT
- Internationales Handelszentrum Berlin, Berlin, DEU
- Artbox Gallery, Zug, CH
- Casino Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AUT
- Art Spectrum, Miami, USA
- XX. Art Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AUT
Exhibitions before 2015
- Praxis “Physiofactum”, Feldkirchen-Westerham, DEU
- Kunstverein Bad-Aibling, Bad Aibling, DEU
- Treffpunkt Kunst, Ottobrunn/ Munich, DEU